Narragansett Chapter Board Meeting

August 9, 2016

235 Promenade St . Providence, RI

Call to Order – 6:00

Attendance: Bob Tessitore, Mike Krabach, Debra Huntington, Chris Shafer, Gregg O’Brien, Dav Cramer, Bill Rafferty, Tom Eagan, Russ Miller, Linda Pease

Business Meeting

Minutes - The minutes for the meeting approved as written.

Treasurer’s Report – Bill passed around the Treasurers Report. Bill addressed the questions. There was a discussion about how much should be kept in reserve. Tom suggested 1-year expenses in reserve. He said at the Joy St. level they are discussing how much Chapters are keeping in reserve. He commented that it is members’ money and should be used for the benefit of members. The report was approved. Tom will provide additional guidance on the topic of financial reserves.

Gregg asked Tom if membership is growing at other chapters. Tom said that membership is growing at some chapters.

Chapter Chair Report – Bob reported that he has been contacted by Save the Bay to hold the annual meeting. He said he reserved 11/19/2016 with them for the annual meeting. He was also contacted by Joy St. marketing department regarding an author who may be interested in speaking at the meeting. The author is Garry Harrington, who recently published “Chasing Summits”. Bob will contact him.

Old Business

Vice Chairperson – Position is still open. Everyone is encouraged to let Bob know of anyone who may be interested.

Committee Reports

Communication: Mike reported that the August/September newsletter is out. Nothing new in the website. He commented on the new AMC website. We will transition over to the new ‘clone’ site potentially by the end of the year. Tom recommended that we wait until other chapters have implemented the new website and some of the bugs are worked out. Bob asked Mike if he can continue to do what he is doing until the new website has been tested. Mike said he knows of someone who may be interested in helping once we transition to the new website.

Conservation: Bob asked about having a conservation presence at the Fall Gathering. Linda said that there is a conservation walk on the schedule at the Fall Gathering.

Linda talked about the Winaukee trip. There are currently 46 participants signed up. Bob asked how many people are we contracted for and the answer is 58. This year Linda has asked the leaders to bring a couple bottles of wine. In the years past, this expense was an event expense. There was a question as to how it has been marketed, Linda has been promoting to the various lists. There was a suggestion to put it on meetup. Mike will put it on meetup.

Paddling: Linda reported that she has been doing some great paddles. There is the annual sizzle scheduled for this weekend.

Membership: Gregg reported that there has been a change in personnel at Joy St. and consequently doesn’t have a new membership list. She reported that membership is staying steady. She also reported on a couple of complaints that she has received. She commented that she would like to meet with all leaders and remind them of the AMC mission. It isn’t just to do lead trips. She would like to have a meeting of leaders to discuss these items.

Chris commented that Maria is going to represent the AMC at the Charlestown Farmers’ Market on Friday, August 26 and she will need a tent.

Trails: Dav and Chris reported that they will be having a work party this weekend on the construction of the shelter. The majority of the construction has been completed indoors and they will bring the parts and put the it together. They don’t expect to complete it this weekend but will make a good start with the project.

Chain Saw Training – The AMC is implementing a policy on chainsaw safety and training. Our chapter will be hosting the training in late October. Chris did put a grant request in but it was rejected. He anticipates the costs to be approximately $400, for food, lodging, expense, etc. He explained that this will put the trails committee over budget for the year. But, the training is critical for the volunteers.

Other Business

Tom reported on the initiative at the AMC of getting more involvement from younger people. The capital campaign is moving forward. There is a lot going on with technology initiative some of which has slowed down by personal changes at AMC.

Bob asked if Gregg would go with him to the new LL Bean store he will be meeting with them in the near future. Gregg is planning on going Thursday to drop off brochures. Bob said that he would like to set up a meeting once they are settled in from the store opening.

Gregg asked about the governor’s council on recreation. Chris said he has attended a couple of meetings but didn’t hear about the next meeting.

Gregg would like to look into setting up a meeting for all the leaders. She said that she will look into a library to have the meeting. She is thinking about January on a Sunday afternoon.

Adjourn 7:03pm